Sonovel: A better way to craft stories
Modern writing software designed for fiction writers.
Focus solely on the joy of writing. It provides all the tools you need, with no learning curve.
Safe and Reliable
Experience peace of mind knowing your work is always backed up, no matter what happens.
Always Autosaved
Say goodbye to the 'save' button. Sonovel automatically saves your work to the cloud.
Version History
Easily track changes between revisions and revert to previous versions if you've changed your mind.
Local backups
Your work is not only saved in the cloud but also backed up locally, ensuring it's safe under any circumstances.
Seamlessly Synced
Write anywhere, on any device. Your work is perfectly synchronized across all devices. Windows or Mac, it’s all good.
Boost your productivity
Sonovel's intuitive writer tools make it easy to stay focused and productive, so you can focus on telling your story.
Easily organize your manuscript and writing resources with a simple drag-and-drop interface.
Split view
Compare documents side-by-side, write while referencing research, or work on two parts of your story simultaneously.
Dark mode
Reduce eye strain and maintain focus on your writing.
Find exactly what you need, not just in a single manuscript, but across all your work.
With all the features you need
Quick memo
You can immediately record any ideas that arise while writing.
Character sheet
Organize and keep track of details of characters in your story.
Typewriter mode
Write without distractions, just like using a real typewriter.
Word count
You can simultaneously check the word count while writing.
What is the price?
How is my story saved?
Can I work offline?
Can I share my story with others?
Do you claim any rights or ownership over the content I write in Sonovel?
Can I download a mobile app?
Do you support AI features?